Welcome to the New Site!
Hey there and welcome! First, I just want to say hi to those of you who are new faces around here :) I'm glad you've stumbled upon my shop and hope you stick around a little bit. You're welcome to read a little bit about me here if you're curious. And for those of you who have been here before, welcome back sweet friend! I really do feel like we are friends even if we haven't met before and I often refer to people online as "friends" to my family which probably weirds them out. But, I really have made so many connections with people online and around the internet that I feel we have a friendship even if it's weird to call it that.
This little shop started over three years ago and has evolved so many times since it's beginning. My motivation behind the shop, however, has continued to remain the same and my purpose has become clearer and more refined. I really enjoy the process of overhauling my site. Probably a lot due to the fact that I have a graphic design background and used to design a lot of blogs and websites in the past and it's something I miss doing. But also because the process of going through my products and really asking myself, 1) "is this something I love?" and 2) "does it fit my shop's purpose?" is a really good and difficult process.
I tried out a different platform this past year which was a great experience, but I'm excited to be back to my familiar and lovely Squarespace. :) I am also excited to start a little bit of blogging again since I haven't done that in a while and it's something I miss doing. I am hoping to share on here some general thoughts as well as inspiration, favorite tools and resources, a few DIY projects, new product sneak peeks that I have coming, and probably some personal photos or stuff about my family.
I hope you enjoy this new space as much as I have enjoyed creating it.
Love to you all xo Jenny