pursue your dreams: christina of every new day
Pursue Your Dreams is a weekly mini-series brought to you by a handful of talented handmade artists, bloggers, small business owners, and ladies who are chasing hard after their dreams. The series focuses on 3 insights they've learned about staying inspired, dealing with negativity, business tips, blogging, setting goals, marketing yourself, and more!
Hey, everyone! I'm Christina Steward, and I blog about life and style over at
. I love to write, and much of what you'll find on my little space speaks of my life as a wife to my long time bff Josh, a new mama to our sweet little babe Rynna Gwen, and the ins and outs of my job in the amazing world of jewelry production and design. You'll also see a few outfit posts sprinkled here and there, because style is just fun, and I've learned that it's a great way to connect with other creative, stylish women around the world! When Jenny asked me to share a few insights with you for the Pursue Your Dreams mini-series, I had a flood of ideas pertaining to work, home, and life in general, but today I've decided to focus on blogging. We have such a great community here, and whether you're a vetted blogger or looking to start a blog, I hope these insights will bring you some encouragement. Let's start with what I believe is the #1 most important thing when it comes to blogging...
1 // Know your worth
If you haven't already, there will come a time where you may feel lost in the sea of bloggers. There are so many amazing, beautiful, and talented people on the internet. Don't let this discourage you, let it encourage and empower you! Know that you are an important part of this great community and that your voice has value. You bring something to the table that other bloggers can't, so don't second guess yourself or assume that what you're doing isn't as influential as what someone else might be doing. You are incredible and unique! You have the ability to reach those around you in a way that no one else can. Zero in on what it is that sets you apart as an individual, and use it to connect with others. Present 100% of yourself, in all your uniqueness to the businesses and bloggers that you're interested in partnering or collaborating with, and be confident in the connection you're looking to make. Regardless of whether or not you secure a working relationship with them, they won't be able to help but see and appreciate the genuine transparency you're providing. And that transparency will speak volumes of the brand you're looking to build as a blog.
2 // Cultivate relationships and be mindful of others
One of the most discouraging things I've faced as a blogger is rejection. I started blogging to share life with others, and to eventually build my brand and in turn I hoped to make some genuine friendships. I once had someone tell me they weren't here to make friends. They were strictly here to make themselves known and to make money. This came to me by way of email after months of what they had lead me to believe was both a friendship and successful business relationship. I had pursued them initially to partner with me on a project for my blog. I'd been very clear with them up front on what my intentions were both personally and professionally. We had worked together in person and online on multiple occasions, and I began to think of this person as a friend. They lead me to believe that they felt the same way and that they were excited about the direction we were headed in with our work. Suddenly they quit communicating with me completely. After a number of attempts on my end to get in contact with them, I finally received a harsh email that said they weren't interested in working with me anymore. They felt I wasn't worth their time, that I couldn't bring as much into the relationship as they could, and that I was of no benefit to them. Although I can appreciate their honesty, I was genuinely hurt and confused by their words. I share that story to gently remind us all to be mindful of each other. Sometimes communicating behind the screen of a computer can make us desensitized. Remember that you're dealing with humans who deserve respect. If you're only looking to build your name/brand and to turn profit, that's fine, but be honest about that up front. Be honest with yourself as well. If you're approached with the prospect of a partnership, evaluate yourself and your intentions before you agree to anything. This will keep you from veering off the course you have set for yourself, and it will keep you from misleading someone else. If you do end up in the middle of a relationship, whether personally or professionally and feel you need to back out, do so professionally. A good rule of thumb is to not say anything through an email that you wouldn't say to someone's face. Don't use the impersonality of email to tear someone else down. Lastly, know that cultivating relationships with the people you come in contact with is the fastest, easiest, and most rewarding way that you can build your brand. People are what make a brand thrive, so be intentional and kind to those you work with. You won't be doing yourself any favors by burning bridges.
3 // Let every day be new
I believe it was Batman who once said, "Some days you just can't get rid of a bomb." I know I'm quoting a superhero here, but in all seriousness we all run into days that are just chock full of challenges when it comes to blogging. Whether your inbox is full of more emails than you feel you'll be able to tackle in one day, or you can't get that DIY project as perfect as you wanted to, or there's that one person who can't seem to say anything nice when they visit you in the comment section on a weekly basis, just know going into each day that there will be obstacles waiting for you. Conquer as much as you can for that day, and go to bed with a clear mind and heart that night. Don't dwell on the difficulties of the day, or you'll end up dragging them into the next. You'll find yourself to be much more productive and pleased with your work if you commit to starting over fresh each and every day. Blogging is full of more excitement and joy than it is frustration and difficulty anyway. If you become discouraged or feel overwhelmed, remember what I said earlier. You're a part of a massive community of other ladies and gents who are writers, artists, musicians, moms, dads, students, stylists, etc., who you can reach out to. You'll find someone who will gladly breathe life back into you. I love that most about blogging. Every day is new, and with it I find new people to connect with!
I hope that even if you're not a blogger you're able to pull something from these 3 insights that you can apply to your life. Thanks so much for letting me hang out here today, Jenny!
Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom with us, Christina! Be sure to visit her
if you haven't already and join us next week for more inspirational insights. :)