“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning. Great is your faithfulness.”
Lamentations 3:23-24 ESV
In This 30 Day Devotional, You Will Find:
• 30 intentional devotions for you To meditate on God’s mercy & faithfulness
• gorgeous hand lettered Scripture verses
• Beautiful sunrise & sunset paintings accompanying each dEvotion
• reflection questions to inspire your walk with god
• a special note from jenny

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When I began painting sunrises and sunsets, my inspiration originated out of my desire to remind myself of God’s faithfulness in our lives.
To remind myself that His consistency and loyalty are shown to us even in the natural rhythms of life He has created for us — in the reliability of the sun setting each night and the dependability that the sun will rise each morning. We have a promise that each day will have an ending, just as each hardship in our lives will also end, and we have the hope of a new morning to start again.
Not only does God want to remind us that He is faithful, but He has a plan for each of us so that we can have a future full of hope. We do not muster up our own hope, but our hope comes from Christ — who He is, what He is able to do, and what He did for us on the cross. Nothing can defeat the Lord. He is unmovable. He is dependable. He is faithful.
I hope you are comforted by this reflection of God’s faithfulness to us and the reminder of the hope we have in Christ. I encourage you to surrender the next 30 days to Him, thanking the Lord for His faithfulness in our lives and reflecting upon His mercy each time you witness a sunrise or a sunset. I pray that these devotions and accompanying paintings will help you to meditate on the Lord and on His goodness and mercy in your own life. Every morning you have a chance to start new again. This kind of mercy is worth shouting for joy!

Jenny is an oil painter, hand lettering artist & author.
What started out as a simple project to decorate the walls of her small newlywed apartment led to Jenny’s life-changing realization that she could combine her love of creating art and her passion for helping others know their God-given value and worth. Soon after, Jenny opened a small online shop selling prints that has grown and evolved into a career and a calling.
Jenny graduated from Berry College in 2010 with a Bachelor of Arts in visual communication and a minor in psychology. Her first book, Hand Lettering God’s Word, encourages others to discover their own creativity learning hand lettering while they meditate on God’s Word.
When she is not in her studio, she can be found running around outside with her three young kids, Rowan, Conor, and Julianna, planning DIY projects with her husband, Drew, or spending time grabbing coffee with friends. Jenny and her family live near Atlanta, Georgia

“Jenny's artwork is truly spectacular and her writing is no different. Her paintings have graced my counseling office and provided comfort and serenity for clients over many years. Now, her words speak to my own heart through her devotional, Every Day New. For anyone navigating the intricacies of life with Jesus and needing encouragement or rest, this devotional is a wonderful place to begin.”
Katie J.