things i didn't expect about pregnancy
If there is one thing I've learned, it's that everyone's pregnancy journey is different. For me, this last month has been the most difficult. It's a combination of excitement to meet your baby, fear, dealing with pain, the frustration of not knowing when it's going to end, the unexpected sadness, and just being constantly uncomfortable. No matter what your experience is, there are certain things I just didn't expect to happen that I just have to look back and laugh at.
Some things I didn't expect during my journey through pregnancy:
1 // Suddenly, becoming a mother is a competition among many women.
Like whether or not you have stretch marks or how long your delivery was is somehow under your control and you are a "better woman" if you conquer these things. As if bragging rights are owed to those who come out on the other side unscathed. Hah! What a ridiculous notion. I know women must realize that most of these things are out of their control, but it's shocking how extremely prevalent this competition still is. All I wanted to say was,
"Why can't we all just get along?"
:) But seriously, it would be so much more beautiful if mothers showed more support and encouragement to each other instead of a competitive or smarty-pants attitude. :) So let's do that, okay? Okay.
2 // Nobody likes to talk about the "old man" symptoms of pregnancy.
Sure... they'll tell you about having to pee a lot, morning sickness, or stretch marks. But no one likes to talk about what I like to call the potential "old man" symptoms you may experience during these 40 weeks...hemorrhoids, gas, constipation, water weight, reflux, snoring, etc. I guess it's just too embarrassing? I don't know. All I have to say is that no matter what symptoms you experience, know that there are plenty of other women out there experiencing similar symptoms. You're not weird or alone. And yes, your body is changing and it's sometimes discouraging and overwhelming, but also remember
your body is changing - to create new life! And how much more beautiful is that?!
3 // Depression and sadness during pregnancy is a real thing.
For me, the sadness started at the 36 week mark instead of the more typically heard of postpartum depression or "baby blues." It might seem weird at first that a pregnant woman would struggle with deep, uncontrollable sadness, but it's true. With the changes going on in your body, the overwhelming pressure of birth looming, the aches and pains and sleepless nights, the unknown of how much longer until you meet your child, the anxiety related with becoming a parent, and the fear of loosing yourself in the whole process. My sadness wasn't bad enough to need medication or treatment, but if you find yourself extremely sad all of the time, don't be embarrassed or upset to seek help - your feelings are valid and not ridiculous.
4 // People will say whatever they want.
Hah - I just have to laugh at this one. I've heard of a lot of people dealing with strangers touching their stomachs and not having boundaries, but I've not had a problem with the touching thing. I *have* had SO many people say the rudest things to me, though. And, after the initial shock and the first few times being devastated and hurt, now it's just laughable. The hostess at a restaurant actually asked me with a smug attitude,
"Do you think you can even fit into that booth?"
Another lady yelled across a Starbucks at me,
"Whoa, you're huge! You're definitely not going to make it to your due date!"
Another man at the post office asked me if this was my first child and, upon answering yes, told me
"Oh God, well, good luck."
I've also been asked,
"How much weight have you gained?"
and been told how much bigger I am than most people. All lovely things that I'm sure everyone wants to hear :)
If you've been pregnant before or know someone who has, what are some things you didn't expect to experience during the journey?