sponsor feature: rachel of rachel boulevard

I'm so excited to introduce to you Rachel of

Rachel Boulevard

. She and her husband, Brandon, are expats residing in Barcelona, Spain, while raising their two kids, traveling a lot, and writing positively about their journey through this crazy life. Be sure to check out Rachel's




to get all the latest!

Tell me a little bit about yourself

I'm a wife, mom of two young ones, and an American currently living in Barcelona, Spain. I'm also a travel addict, hobby collector (yep, I have so many "hobbies," I have begun collecting them), and a Kansas City native. Life with two children in a foreign country isn't always easy, but it has so far been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. My husband is fluent in Spanish but the rest of us are learning the language together. Sometimes I cry because the simplest things are hard (like finding quinoa at the grocery store) and sometimes I cry because things are beautiful, the sweet smile and sense of understanding I receive from a Spanish Mother who understands the love I have for my children.

Why Did You Start Your Own Blog?

I started the blog 5 years ago when my husband and I moved abroad for the first time. It was a way to share our story with close family members and friends. Last year, I decided to make the blog public and share our travel stories with the world.

If you could pass on a piece of advice what would it be?

It's a cliche answer, but do what you love and then share it with others. Only write about what you want. Don't worry about anyone else, or not having enough posts for the week. I'm still learning a lot about this blogging world but I do know that readers respond to authenticity.

Anything else you would like to say?

Anything about the other aspects of the blog. My husband is an amputee and cancer survivor and I am a big advocate for both causes. Also, I love posting great outfits to travel in.


Rachel is kind enough to offer one lucky reader a

small 8x10 Laura Amiss Print

of the winners choice. This giveaway is open to U.S. residents only and one winner will be chosen at random using Rafflecopter within the week.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thanks so much for sponsoring with me, Rachel, and for sharing a little bit of your story with us :)