pattern play

Outfit Details:
1 // Maxi Skirt (actually a dress) - Francesca's
2 // Boat Neck Top - Target
3 // Patterned Scarf - A Shop in Italy
// 2 Layer Fringe Moccasins - Minnetonka

Well, I'm officially feeling very pregnant. My stomach has been hurting more and more from stretching pains and I'm having a hard time sleeping at night. :) But, I'm so happy to say that the doctor told us our baby is healthy, all its organs look good, and it's measuring on time. I am 6 pounds under my starting weight (I lost a bunch of weight in the first trimester because I couldn't eat much that didn't make me sick... which turned out to be good since I was a little over my target weight anyways) and no stretch marks so far! I can't wait to reveal the gender to all of you next week :)

We are busy over here getting ready for the holidays. I'm happy to be taking a break from work to enjoy time with family and to rest. Knowing me, though, I'll probably work on the house and try to get the dining room and the rest of the downstairs painted. But hopefully I'll rest too :) Drew and I are leaving tonight to go with Savannah, Leah, and their husbands on a Maiedae retreat to talk about the goods and bads of this year and to do some planning for next year! I love that sort of thing :)