gender reveal: it's a ...
We are so very excited to announce that we are having a...
It's been so difficult keeping this secret for an entire week! But, we wanted to be sure our family had plenty of time to receive the special announcement we sent in the mail :) Our ultrasound appointment last week went so smoothly. The doctor said that all of his body parts are perfect and he is measuring on schedule. When the ultrasound technician asked us if we wanted to know the gender, we both shouted, "Yes!!!" :) We are very excited to be bringing a very loved little man into this world. It will also be so much fun that Savannah is also having a boy and they will just be 3 months apart :) Little Maiedae baby boys!! Oh, and here's a photo of the package I sent to our families.
AND... as an added bonus... we decided on a name for our little man - Rowan Carey Highsmith. Rowan because we absolutely adored that name. It's unique, but not too unique. Carey, because that is Drew's grandfather and father's middle names. They are two very strong, loving, godly men that are an important part of our child's heritage and we thought it was only right to name him after them.
We are just thrilled to finally know the gender and put a name to our little man. Drew has been thinking up all of the fun things they will do together - including making cards for mommy :) It's so sweet to see him planning and thinking about being a dad. Rowan definitely seems to have a lot of energy - constantly kicking and moving around in there. Sometimes it seems as if he is trying to escape! Like, "Mom! Let me out!! *Punch Kick Punch!*" I know it's just a coincidence, but the other night when Drew was down in the basement shooting his bow and arrow, Rowan got really excited and wouldn't stop moving around. It was almost as if he knew his daddy was having fun without him :)
I'm excited to start planning out his nursery and update my registry with more gender specific items :) I'll be sure to share our nursery ideas with you soon! Thanks so much for sharing in our excitement!
AND... as an added bonus... we decided on a name for our little man - Rowan Carey Highsmith. Rowan because we absolutely adored that name. It's unique, but not too unique. Carey, because that is Drew's grandfather and father's middle names. They are two very strong, loving, godly men that are an important part of our child's heritage and we thought it was only right to name him after them.
We are just thrilled to finally know the gender and put a name to our little man. Drew has been thinking up all of the fun things they will do together - including making cards for mommy :) It's so sweet to see him planning and thinking about being a dad. Rowan definitely seems to have a lot of energy - constantly kicking and moving around in there. Sometimes it seems as if he is trying to escape! Like, "Mom! Let me out!! *Punch Kick Punch!*" I know it's just a coincidence, but the other night when Drew was down in the basement shooting his bow and arrow, Rowan got really excited and wouldn't stop moving around. It was almost as if he knew his daddy was having fun without him :)
I'm excited to start planning out his nursery and update my registry with more gender specific items :) I'll be sure to share our nursery ideas with you soon! Thanks so much for sharing in our excitement!