casual new year's eve

Outfit Details:
1 // Sequin Top - Loehmanns
2 // Black + White Stripe Maternity Top - Destination Maternity
3 // Black Cardigan - Victoria's Secret (it's really a robe)
// Black Skinny Maternity Jeans - Target
5 // Fringe Ankle Boots - Target

It's hard to believe I'm almost 23 weeks pregnant! The time is just flying by! I've had a surprising (to me) amount of energy during my 2nd trimester and I'm hoping it lasts a while longer so I can get some more painting done around the house. Hopefully I can get started on Rowan's nursery this week as well! I've really enjoyed having some time off of work to rest and get some necessary things done (like unpacking some more boxes!! haha) Drew hasn't had much time off, but I've been able to spend some quality time with our dear friend Anica who is in for the holidays from California.

Tonight is New Year's Eve! Drew and I are going to a casual party with friends and I'm glad to be able to re-use my sequin top that I wore to the Maiedae Mixer this past June. I think it works perfectly for New Year's Eve. :) Since my belly has grown a bit, I decided to layer a maternity top underneath and I confess I totally used one of my comfy robes as a kimono of sorts :) But hey - I'm pregnant and I can wear what I want right? :)

What are your plans for New Years?