a few thoughts with the rain

As I sit outside, watching the rain, I can only think about time slowing down. For some reason, whenever it rains, that happens to me. Time slows down. My mind forgets the "to-do" lists and all I can think about is the beauty of that moment. The past few days, I've been trying to waste less time at night doing mindless things. Before I quit my full time job, I would come home every day after work and work on Maiedae. But since going full time with Maiedae, I've gotten into a bad habit of being lazy at night - doing whatever I want, laying around, watching TV, etc. And while that has been good for me in some ways because I needed to *stop* working so much, I feel that a lot of precious time is being wasted.


So a few days ago I decided that I was going to stop wasting my precious time. And it has been incredible. I've been cooking healthy dinners, I've been writing notes to loved ones, giving a phone call to people who I care for, spending more intentional time talking with my husband, going for walks, noticing the beauty that is around me, spending more time journaling, picking out a gift to encourage someone, and slowing down. Before, I would have told you that I had slowed down. Because I was working less, which obviously meant I was enjoying my time more. But that's not really true. I wasn't actually enjoying those moments - I was wasting them away with mindless, thoughtless activities. And if I'm not really thinking through my actions, am I really enjoying them? Am I really enjoying each moment and investing time in the things that matter?

Rain always slows things down. You have to drive slower when it's raining, you have to walk more carefully, you have to prepare more before going outside, and you have to spend more time thinking through your actions and being alert. To many, it is a burden. But to those who see the beauty that it can bring, the beauty of slowing down time, it is a blessing. Slowing down and being intentional with your time is always a blessing. And the rain is a gentle reminder to us to do so.