life + love: this weekend in photos

I love having Anica here this weekend and spending some wonderful, heartfelt time together. I need more of her in my life, but I know she is doing amazing things in California. We love you, Ani. Drew's sister also came down and spent the night with us. I can't believe she goes to college next week. I feel really old. I loved our time together and telling her all the things about Berry that I loved. I'm so excited for her!

One funny thing that happened was last night, Anica and I were talking and staying up pretty late and Drew walks in and says, "If ya'll want to stay up and talk about glitter and stickers and Justin Bieber, feel free to stay up 'til 6am, but I'm going to bed." Anica and I both laughed and I said, "Honey, you didn't marry a 13 year old girl." Oh goodness.

Oh, and we got filmed by the Starbucks guy at the one and only Starbucks Soda Truck while we were at the mall picking up some LUSH goodness. How cool is that??? P.S. I'm not a soda person, but their new sodas are a-m-a-z-i-n-g ... especially the spiced root beer.