diy: wall hooks

Recently, I realized that we needed a new solution for wall hooks. Side note: I really hate how little storage apartments have to offer! We have 20 million things falling out of our closets and our Christmas decorations are sitting in the hall. I know I know... #firstworldproblems. Annnyyyywayss... although I did love my previous wall hooks, only having 5 hooks wasn't working for us. The "before" picture above was taken a few months before Drew and I were married and living together. And then we got married. And suddenly the amount of stuff we owned somehow tripled. So those lovely wall hooks were not working out for us anymore. Do you see how much crap we have hanging up in the "after" picture? ... we were trying to fit all of that on those 5 hooks. No matter how you look at it, it doesn't end up well for the hooks.

So, one day we were at Home Depot looking at supplies for another project we were doing and saw this cool piece of wood that they were discarding. And that's when we had an idea! So we grabbed the wood, some cup hooks, and a can of shellac and headed home to replace our sad and overloaded wall hooks. 

It ended up being really easy to screw in the cup hooks to the wood and we ended up waiting to shellac because I'm not sure whether I want to paint a word on the left end of the wood or not. What do you think? I was thinking something like "welcome" or "the highsmiths" or something. Do you think I should? Or should I just leave it raw like it is now?