inspiration board: terrariums

I apologize I've not posted anything in the last few days, but I've not been feeling that well. I've been under the weather and have been overwhelmed with work - neither of which is a good combination. Trying to get a lot of work done while trying to recover from being sick is not fun (or helpful to recovery!) I have had plenty of opportunities to practice having a positive attitude, though! One of the things on my "Excited / Thankful About" list is my date with Drew tonight. I don't know where we are going, but he's promised it's going to be fabulous! So of course, I'm in suspense trying to figure out what it is we are doing :) I'll be sure to let you know tomorrow! *pinky promise*

I know not everyone is in a relationship around Valentine's Day, but we're all in love with terrariums! So I am dedicating this post to terrarium / succulent inspiration.

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