day 3: easy holiday gift ideas

If you're looking for something unique and easy to make for a gift, Drew would tell you there is nothing better than a gift with bullet shells. When Savannah and I first started selling bullet necklaces for Maiedae (Wow, that seems like a long time ago), Drew would just pick up his extra bullet casings after he went to the range and bring them back for us to use. Since he goes to the shooting range a lot, we have a lot of shells leftover. So what do we do with all the extras? We make presents with them! Hahaha. So here is an awesome bullet trivet that you can make yourself.


  • Bullet casings (If you don't have any lying around, many shops on Etsy sell them)
  • 5" square of thick cut felt
  • Epoxy


  1. Start by arranging the bullets in whatever design you want them.
  2. Once they are all laid out, measure the width and depth of your design.
  3. Cut your felt to that size.
  4. Glue the bullets to the felt using epoxy.