kitty sweaters

So, I know what you're thinking. Are you really that person? Guys, I'm not usually the type of person who would put sweaters on their animals. Let me just tell you the story. It all started with a red Ohio State sweatshirt (see in picture above). Drew got it at a conference he recently worked in Ohio and, being the Georgia bulldogs fan he is, naturally wanted to never wear it in public. So, he cut the sleeves off in order that he could use it as an around-the-house-comfy-cozy sweatshirt (Side note: don't ask me why you have to cut the sleeves off in order to achieve this - that is unbeknownst to me). Anyways. When he cut the sleeves off, we (in our late night silliness) realized that they would make really perfect Christmas cat sweaters! hahaha. It was not only hilarious, but it actually made sense because both Scout (a.k.a. "Littles") and Ranger (a.k.a. "Bigs") have been living outside during most of the day and during the cold night. We had already made them an insulated cat box outside to sleep in, but sweaters were just the perfect addition.I'm thinking about embroidering a cat on the sweaters to make them "Kitty Christmas Cat Sweaters." What do you think?