uniquely you

When I was in middle and high school, the pressure to conform to society's standards of beauty was overwhelming for me. I'm sure many of you went through the same thing. I remember being so overcome by not being accepted by so many of the other girls that I sought out acceptance from guys. It wasn't long before I was rejected and hurt by them, also. It was then that I hit bottom. I began cutting myself out of the painful fact that I wasn't wanted and desired. I was angry with myself for not being good enough. I thought that I deserved to feel pain and that if I could see the scabs on my arms heal up, then maybe my heart would heal too. I had no idea what I was doing, but I can still feel the way my heart throbbed from heartache when I think about it.

I know that is a sad story, but I want to tell you this because I believe so many women are not proud of or excited about who they are. I finally began learning in college, and am still learning today, how to love myself for who I am and not beat myself up for who I am not. This doesn't mean that I don't desire to grow to be a better person or that I don't desire to improve upon my strengths, but it does mean that I don't focus on comparing myself to others or even to society's unrealistic and ridiculous standards. My hope is that, as women, we find joy in celebrating our uniqueness and loving on ourselves regularly. 

In college, I had the opportunity to be a part of a leadership program where we discovered more about ourselves through personality tests, strengths assessments, and developing a life purpose statement. This process thrilled me. Not only the discovery of my strengths, personality, and purpose, but because I had the opportunity to talk with others about their journey in discovering their passions, interests, strengths, and personality. It was through this experience that I realized how much I enjoy personal development and discovering the individualization in each person. My heart's desire is to celebrate the uniqueness in each of us. I love finding what makes someone who they are and helping inspire and encourage them to develop that quality.

So, naturally, I've decided to start a series I'm calling "Uniquely You." In this post, I want to share a little bit about what is unique about me. The series will also include posts from other bloggers and friends about their personal journey to honing in on their strengths and passions and some of the important things they have learned about being true to yourself.


Something I have found extremely important in life is truly knowing yourself. Whether in my marriage, my friendships, my job, Maiedae, or my future decisions, it has been so helpful to identify what makes me me. When you know what you're good at, it gives you insight into what you were made to do and ultimately helps you narrow down the decisions for where you are heading. When I graduated college, I knew that I wanted to do something that I believed in, that was helping others, where I could be creative, and that was extremely challenging. I also knew that I desire to be a mom one day more than anything and I would want to be able to work from home. So, that's where the dreams for Maiedae came in. There have been many bumps along the road. However, I am being true to myself and following my dreams and I wouldn't take back a minute of it.
Another thing I've learned is about making decisions. I'm the kind of person who says yes to everything either because 1) I don't want to disappoint or 2) My mind is more ambitious than my body can handle. I have learned that when the opportunity arises, to not say yes immediately. Instead, think about if the opportunity fits within your strengths and your vision, dream, or purpose for your life. If it doesn't, respectively decline. You want to focus on what makes you alive and what you are most capable of doing.


1. I love how passionate and excitable I am. Drew always jokes with me about how excited I get about life. Sometimes, so excited that it can be dangerous! Haha. I have always had a lot of joy and passion for life and I love it when I can express that.

2. I love the creative and artistic side of me. It is so wonderful to be able to express myself creatively and get lost in a painting or photograph, searching for meaning.

3. I love how hard I work. I have always been a diligent worker and I love that I am ambitious and can make dreams into a reality. I can creatively and efficiently execute ideas.


1. I am Strategic -- I am comfortable talking about ways to make people or things more complete, perfect, or excellent. This also means that I can pinpoint the core problem and identify the best solutions as well as identify ways to transform an obstacle into an opportunity. I also yearn to improve things about myself, other people, and situations.

2. I am Empathic -- This strength is displayed in my ability to hear the emotions of others and without conscious reasoning know what they are feeling. People are very comfortable talking at length with me because I listen with my heart.

3. I am Believing -- I do not easily give up on people or a situation. I really want to do what I love doing. I refuse to live a meaningless existence and do not enjoy doing anything that does not have a defined purpose. I am naturally inclined to make sacrifices that benefit someone else.

4. I am Individualistic -- I am intrigued with the unique qualities of each person. I enjoy discovering the unique backgrounds, interests, or talents of each person. (this is probably why I want to write this post series!)

5. I am an Achiever -- I have a great deal of stamina and work hard. I take great satisfaction from being busy and productive. When things I value are in their proper places, I can improve my overall efficiency and productivity. I love creating lists and and sometimes add things to a list just so I can cross them off.

Want to find out what your strengths are? Learn more about StrengthsFinder here.


Looking at my strengths, passions, talents, and the events in my life that have shaped me, I developed this statement for my life:

"My life purpose is to inspire those around me to know the depths of God's love and joyfully use their gifts for His glory by developing intimate relationships, by creatively executing ideas, by envisioning and encouraging potential, and by bringing out beauty."

Want to join me in celebrating who you are? I would love to hear what makes you unique or what you love about yourself! Email me! I would absolutely love to hear from you!