Darling don't go without Me

I'm moving in three weeks to what will be Drew's and my first apartment once we are married! Wow, time sure does fly by. It has been a very exciting and challenging year, filled with Maiedae's exponential growth, a sweet time of engagement and marriage planning, and now the fun involved with moving to a new place. :) I'm one of those people who sort of obsesses about moving. Growing up, we never moved. Ever. From the time I was born until I left for college, I lived in the same house. And I loved it. But, then I discovered the fun involved in moving. Growing up, I always had a knack for re-arranging, arranging, and then re-arranging my room. I was always thrilled with the process of rediscovering a space after painting or rearranging the furniture. And my mom and I loved clipping out floor plans from magazines and designing houses. 

Moving was like that, but on steroids, for me. I had a whole new layout to work with and the opportunity to start fresh with furniture, paint, and decorations. It's like a breath of fresh air, filled with wish lists and design schemes. I'm almost done with planning the layout for our new apartment, but I will wait to show you the furniture and decorations at a later date. Here is a picture of the color palette and floor layout of our new casa!

I can't wait to show you some items I am hoping to purchase and a few DIY projects I am planning to do once I'm moved! :)