Holiday DIY Party: Statement Artwork DIY

For Day 4, I have a beautiful Statement Artwork DIY that will be sure to brighten up any room in your home! I love this DIY because you don't have to be a professional artist to make it look amazing - anybody can do it! When thinking of this project, I tried to find a unique and inexpensive material to create it on. Canvas is just too expensive these days so, instead, we went to the Home Depot and grabbed a medium sheet of plywood for less than $10. You could even get a larger piece of plywood to make it a statement piece above your couch.



  1. Acylic paint of your choice.
  2. Paint brushes of varying size.
  3. White spray-paint.
  4. Painter's tape. (We found that sticky letters work better)
  5. Paint tray.
  6. Not pictured: sticky letters, canvas or wood.


  1. Paint your canvas//plywood//or other material any color(s) of your choice. I would suggest multiple colors that will "pop." Important: Let dry completely!
  2. Arrange sticky letters or painter's tape in your desired pattern or favorite saying.
  3. Spray-paint the entire area with white spray-paint. I found that it is better to spray paint directly above from about 2 feet away to make sure the paint is even and doesn't seep underneath the letters of tape. Let dry completely.
  4. Peel off sticky letters or tape. Whalah! It's a beauty!

I love custom artwork-- especially when you created it yourself!

Have you entered the Holiday DIY Party giveaways yet?? We are giving away a copy of Design*Sponge at Home here and a lot of holiday Martha Stewart crafts here! We have more giveaways coming your way throughout the week, so stay tuned. :)